Balance Aotearoa provides peer support, advocacy, and information services for tāngata whai ora/ tāngata mātau ā-wheako (people with lived experience of mental distress and/ or addiction).
We will walk alongside you with what is happening for you. We will listen to you and hear what you say. We do not need to know a diagnosis. Our service is free, confidential, independent, and needs no referral.
If you are experiencing mental health or addiction distress and would like support as you move forward with your life, please get in touch.
You can call us toll free on: 0800 10 25 55, Phone: 06 345 44 88, Text: 021 262 8370 or E-mail us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We sometimes use an answerphone as the team are out and about most days.
The phone, text and email messages are checked regularly, Monday to Friday.