Bipolar Disorder Research


Tse, S., Doughty, C., Bristol, F. (2004). Peer Support Groups for People with Bipolar Disorders in New Zealand: A Pilot Study on Critical Success Factors.

Doughty, C. and Tse, S. The effectiveness of service user-run, service user-led services for people with mental illness: A systematic literature review. Wellington, New Zealand: Mental Health Commission (December 2005). 

Doughty, C. Peer Support for Bipolar Disorder. Commissioned by Winston Churchill Fellowship Trust, 2002. Indexed in national library of NZ, 90pp. Client: Department of Internal Affairs. 

Tse, S., Doughty, C., Bristol, F. (2004). Peer Support Groups for People with Bipolar Disorders in New Zealand: A Pilot Study on Critical Success Factors. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. 9, 1, 47-58.